Polyergus genus

  • Body not punctured, smooth and bright
  • Whole body yellow or orange
  • Host: potentially all Serviformica, preferencially populous and less aggressiv nest like Formica cunicularia
  • France, Japan
  • Coxi (I II & III) and gaster paler than thorax and head
  • Upper half of the body (incl. antennae and legs) with very fine grayish and dense pubescence
  • Whole body brownish black to deep reddish brown
  • China, Japan
      species menu
        Host: Formica japonica, Formica hayashi
  • Coxi (I II & III) and gaster as dark as thorax and head
  • Upper half of the body (incl. antennae and legs) with thick white-brownish and sparse pubescence
  • Whole body brown
  • Japan, Siberia
      species menu
        Host: Formica candida, Formica picea