Home Start ID Data Geo-diversity Taxo-diversity Species list Training Jump to Subfamilies AENICTINAE AMBLYOPONINAE CERAPACHYINI DORYLINAE FORMICINAE LEPTANILLINAE MYRMICINAE PONERINAE PROCERATIINAE PSEUDOMYRMICINAE Genera Acropyga Aenictus Amblyopone Anomalomyrma Anoplolepis Camponotus Cerapachys Dorylus Lasius Leptanilla Plagiolepis Polyergus Polyrhachis Ponera Prenolepis Proceratium Protanilla Sources Credits Lasiini & Plagiolepinii Tribes O. Ruiz Mesonotum stretched out. Metathoracic stigmates (Mtst) extremely close together Propodeal stigmates (Ppst) always included at the base of the propodeal spines (Ppsp) Egypt, Morocco Lepisiota bipartita,frauenfeldi karawaiewi,melas,nigra splendens,syriaca Photo by Pile-0u-Face 2011 Small : CL > 600 µm Antennae with 11 or 12 segments Sagitale line of thorax in dorsal view cross 3 distincts parts. Metanotum (Mt) vestigial or absent Metathoracal stigmata (Mtst) near from each other in dorsal view Whole Palaearctic Acropyga Anoplolepis (gracilipes) Austrolasius Cautolasius Chthonolasius Dendrolasius Lasius s. str. Prenolepis (nitens) O. Ruiz Very small : CL < 600 µm Antennae with 11 segments Sagitale line of thorax in dorsal view cross 4 distincts parts because of a well developpedMt Metathoracal stigmata (Mtst) more distant from each other Exception: Plagiolepis ampeloni France, Germany, Switzerland alluaudi,ampeloni,ancyrensis flavescens,grassei,manczshurica pallescens pygmaea,schmitzii taurica vindobonensis,xene O. Ruiz Rear tibia no long: HTL/CW > XX Sagitale line of thorax in dorsal view cross 3 distincts parts. Mtvestigial or absent Scapus very long: SL/CL > 1,13 for Nylanderia MN and Pp Egypt, Japan, Morocco Nylanderia Paraparatrechina Proformica